

Company Register: Amtsgericht Mainz, HRB 8555 | VAT ID No.: USt-IdNr. DE811120270
Registered office: SCHOTT AG, Hattenbergstraße 10, 55122 Mainz, Germany
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Michael Bolle
Board of Management: Dr. Frank Heinricht (Chairman), Dr. Andrea Frenzel, Dr. Heinz Kaiser, Dr. Jens Schulte


Company Register: Amtsgericht Mainz, HRB 51230 | VAT ID No.: USt-IdNr. DE352591167
Registered office: SCHOTT AG, Hattenbergstraße 10, 55122 Mainz, Germany
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Peter Goldschmidt
Board of Management: Andreas Reisse (Chairman), Dr. Almuth Steinkühler

Responsible for content according to Section 55 II of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RStV)

Salvatore Ruggiero
Vice President Marketing and Communication
Hattenbergstraße 10
55122 Mainz

Online content

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